Movie Fortunes – a different horoscope

Posts Tagged ‘The Bourne Supremacy


351075162_cc1461993f_mThere are six main characters in this film and the character that you most associate or empathise with holds keys to your future. 


Jason Bourne – You have been ostracised from the rest of the community due to your destructive behaviour. While you try hard to figure out exactly who you are as a person you will lose all those who are closest to you. In a desperate bid to try to regain control of your life and to prove yourself to those you have lost you will attempt to take down a large and secret government organisation. While you will succeed in your task you will also cause much death and destruction. There will be a dramatic car chase across an urban area in which you will ultimately kill your nemesis. At the end of this journey you will confess one of your biggest sins to an innocent victim and will make a new friend in a very high place. You will also be given important clues as to who you really are. You could try to moderate your behaviour – maybe talk about your murderous instincts instead of acting upon them. However if you don’t act now you could die in horrible ways so its probably best to just do whatever you feel like – you are fairly indestructible.

Marie Kreutz – You will begin this journey with love and hope for the future. But this time your choices and those of people you love will result in your death. Whilst trying to give good advice you will be distracted from your task and pay the penalty with a horrific car accident and possibly a shooting during which you will meet your demise. I advise you to stay clear of risky activities, don’t drive anywhere and stay inside with your doors and windows locked. Also avoid people with amnesia and don’t go to India.

Kirill – You will have difficulty completing a task at work. You may think that you have accomplished your objectives but in reality you have failed to kill the right person. If you choose to kill them again be warned that they are extremely dangerous and you will suffer either death or severe maiming as a result. I would also advise you to stray clear of driving and never go into tunnels. Also you should not try to pass the blame for your actions onto another highly skilled assassin as this will cause conflicts that may result in your death.

Nicky Parsons – Because of your past work with highly trained killers you will be sought to advise very important people on methods of catching one that has escaped custody. Be advised that your previous boss is also a murderer and should be avoided at all costs. Follow instead anothers lead – and while you will be threatened and physically abused you will come out of the incident in one piece. Don’t worry – you may suffer some mental and emotional trauma but one day you will get through it and come to terms with your own part in this dark plot. 

Pamela Landy – Through a screw up at work  you will learn that some of your colleagues have been ripping off government funds. Be aware that you will be asked to work with the person responsible and he will do everything that he can to undermine you and possibly mess up this investigation as well. You will however become friends with a killer who will help to uncover dark deeds from the past. And you will in turn help him discover who he is. This event will teach you the important lesson – ‘never judge a book by its cover’. After this investigation you will be known as a hard ass and someone not to be crossed which may either help or hinder your career.

Ward Abbott – Your evil schemes are about to be uncovered. Be warned that a tough woman will destroy you. I would advise you to quit while you’re ahead, leave the country and start a new life with your ill-gotten wealth. If you instead attempt to cover up your dastardly deeds there will be dire consequences. You will kill someone close to you and will eventually be found out and will be forced to end your own life. So if I were you I really would get out now and try to atone for my sins. Don’t try to cross a highly trained assassin – it will only end in tears.

I hope that my fortunes were helpful to you and you don’t die in horrible ways or lose someone you love. And always remember that highly trained killers should not be messed with. Please come back next time when I will reveal your next MOVIE FORTUNE.


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